Commercial objects
Office and warehouse complex on 1-1 Akvarelnij lane, Podvorki village, Dergachevskaja area, Kharkov region
Client:LLC «Luks-Logistic»
Terms of completion:2011-2012
Hotel complex `Misto` with necessary infrastructure on Klochkovskaja str., Kharkov
Client:CJSC «Misto»
Terms of completion:2009-2011
Trade and office centre «Brilliantovij gorod» on O. Jarosha str., Kharkiv
Client:HCC «Avantazh»
Terms of completion:2007-2012
Trade and office centre «Violent» on O. Jarosha lane, Kharkiv
Client:LLC «Violent-Invest»
Terms of completion:2007-2009
Trade centre «Vizit» on Klochkovskaja str.,corner of Romena Rollana str., Kharkov
Client:PE «Ekstrim»
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Trade and office centre «Soliaris», 18, O. Jarosha lane, Kharkov
Client:LLC «Kharkov Akvaresurs»
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Trade and office centre «Legat»,18-a, O. Jarosha lane, Kharkov
Client:PE «Legat+»
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Trading and entertainment complex «Dafi», Geroev Truda str., Kharkov
Client:LLC «Al`tair –XXI»
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Automobile showroom «Avtotehnika» with service station on 94-a, Klochkovskaja str., Kharkov
Client:LLC «TDN»
Terms of completion:2006-2007
Supermarket of building materials «BUDMEN», 50-years of SSR av., Kharkov
Terms of completion:2006
Supermarket «Rost», Klochkovskaja str., Kharkov
Client:PE «Sting»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Automobile showroom «Avtotrading-Kharkov», Klochkovskaja str., Kharkov
Client:SE «Avtotrading-Kharkov»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Trade and office block on Bakulina str., Kharkov
Client:LLC «C-Invest»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Office building of «AVEC group of companies» on Sumskaja str., Kharkov
Client:JSC «AVEC group of companies and Co»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Shopping mall «Tavrija-B» on Gagarina av., Kharkov
Client:JSC «AVEC group of companies and Co»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Shopping centre on Marshala Zhukova av., Pobedy av., Gagarina av., Khafrkov
Client:ATB «Trogstroj»
Terms of completion:2005