Industrial construction
Reconstruction of existing warehousing premises of LLC «Satellite» in the seed processing complex with capacity of 2,000 tonnes per day
Client:LLC `Satellite`
Terms of completion:2011-2012
Service station. Grocery pumping station on industrial site of LLC «Eristovskij GOK» in Komsomol`sk, Poltavskij region
Client:LLC «Eristovskij GOK»
Terms of completion:2011-2012
Construction of the building for washing the mining machinery on industrial site of LLC «Eristovskij GOK», Poltavskij region, Komsomol`sk
Client:LLC «Eristovskij GOK»
Terms of completion:2011-2012
«PCO-1. Reconstruction of production line with indurating machine LURGI 278-B» JSC «Severnij GOK»
Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2011
Assemblage of gas treating of electric steelmaking complex of production of continuous cast section in Dnepropetrovsk
Client:LLC «Danieli Heavy Machinery Engineering»
Terms of completion:2010-2011
Reconstruction of production line with indurating machine LURGI 278-A, ЦПО-1, ФОК -1
Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2010
Construction of warehouses for raw and packing material storage and preparing of «Procter&Gamble» company in Ordzonikidze, Dnepropetrovskij region
Client:Procter and Gamble Ukraine
Terms of completion:2010
Point of primary cultivation and storage of grain for 53,000 tonnes of grain on the territory of LLC «Vlasovskij Miroshnik», Kharkov region, Novovodolazkij area, Palatki village
Client:LLC «Vlasovskij Miroshnik»
Terms of completion:2009-2010
Construction of finished goods stock location of «Procter&Gamble» in Ordzonikidze, Dnepropetrovskij region
Client:Procter and Gamble Ukraine
Terms of completion:2009-2010
Construction Of the production and packing plant of washing powder «Procter&Gamble» in Dnepropetrovskij region, Ordzenikidze
Client:Procter and Gamble Ukraine
Terms of completion:2008-2010
Construction of tobacco warehouses, non-tobacco materials and sauces of the tobacco plant «Philipp Morris Ukraine» in Kharkov
Client:Philip Morris Ukraine
Terms of completion:2008
Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of dressing plants #1 and #2 of Poltavskij GOK
Client:Poltavskij GOK
Terms of completion:2007-2010
Construction of dry house and sauce shops of the tobacco plant «Philipp Morris Ukraine» in Kharkov
Client:Philip Morris Ukraine
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Construction of the pant of ceramic blocks in Ozera village, Borodianskij area, Kievskij region
Client:JSC with foreign investments «Slobozhanska Bujdivel`na Keramika»
Terms of completion:2007-2008
Construction of semi-portable crushing station «KRUPP-2» of Poltavskij GOK
Client:Poltavskij GOK
Terms of completion:2006-2007
Construction of Merefianskij glass-manufacturing plant in Merefa, Kharkov region
Terms of completion:2005-2007
Construction of industrial buildings and assemblage of gas treating of Stahanovskij plant of ferroalloys
Client:Stahanovskij plant of ferroalloys
Terms of completion:2005-2006