A. Mc`Coneil manager of programmes of PLC «Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Ukraine» «The company «Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Ukraine» is satisfied with the quality of fulfilled works, provision of safe conditions of building, technical equipment and responsibility of the general contractor to set deadlines».
A.N. Gerasimchuk the leading engineer UKRiR JSC «InGOK» «We would like to emphasize the substantial role of CJSC «Spetsstroymontazh» during the construction of the «I-st launch facility of magnetically-flotation debugging of magnetite concentrate». Professionally, with a high quality and on time are fulfilled the works, connected with overhaul repairs of existing production buildings and construction during the 5- year period».
Deni Julien the Technical director of the group «MALTUROP» «Without hesitations we will start collaboration with this company again, if there is such a necessity».
Petr Tsarhoun the Head of technical department of CJSC «Philipp Morris Ukraine» «The works were fulfilled with a high quality and on time. The stuff of CJSC «Spetsstroymontazh» very attentively took into consideration all our demands and effectively fulfilled them, taking active part in the search of technical solutions for questions, that arose during construction works».
V.V. Lotous CEO of JSC «Poltavsckij GOK» JSC «Poltavsckij GOK» hopes for further collaboration with your enterprise and thanks you for the quality of building works while constructing the crushing complex «KRUPP-2».
A.A. Melikbegjn CEO of LLC «HLVZ-plus» «We would like to express our satisfaction with the collaboration and partnership, trusting relationships, that we have with the company».
A.I. Chernomord CEO of LLC «Vlasovskij miroshnik» «After assessing the professionalism of the stuff, stability of the company in conditions of economic crisis and also the ability to fulfill their obligations, we are ready for further collaboration with CJSC «Spetsstroymontazh».