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Awards of the company

nagrada 10
National certificate Leader of the sector 2010 in the sphere of activity CTEA (KVED) 45.21.1. «Construction of buildings»/ National business rating «In factum veritas», 2010
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Clients` feedback

The works were
fulfilled with a high
quality and on time.
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Main > All objects > Industrial construction

Industrial construction

Reconstruction of pelletization plant of Severnij GOK

Reconstruction of pelletization plant of Severnij GOK

Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Reconstruction of the furniture plant of CJSC «Solonitsevskij kombinat mebelnih detalej» Kharkov region, Solonitsevka

Reconstruction of the furniture plant of CJSC «Solonitsevskij kombinat mebelnih detalej» Kharkov region, Solonitsevka

Client:CJSC «Solonitsevskij kombinat mebelnih detalej»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Construction of production building and warehouses of the factory «Zdorovje», Kharkov

Construction of production building and warehouses of the factory «Zdorovje», Kharkov

Client:Pharmaceutical factory «Zdorovje»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Reconstruction of  malting plant, Chernigov

Reconstruction of malting plant, Chernigov

Client:LLC «Malturop-Ukraine»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Construction of malting plant, Kharkov

Construction of malting plant, Kharkov

Client:LLC «Malturop-Ukraine»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Construction of magnetic-flotation magnetite concentrate complex of Inguletskij GOK

Construction of magnetic-flotation magnetite concentrate complex of Inguletskij GOK

Client:LLC «Everton», JSC «Ingyletskij GOK»
Terms of completion:2002-2003
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