Industrial construction
Reconstruction of pelletization plant of Severnij GOK
Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Construction of cyclical in-line technology of transporting of ore of Pervomaiskij borrow pit of Severnij GOK
Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Reconstruction of the furniture plant of CJSC «Solonitsevskij kombinat mebelnih detalej» Kharkov region, Solonitsevka
Client:CJSC «Solonitsevskij kombinat mebelnih detalej»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Construction of production building and warehouses of the factory «Zdorovje», Kharkov
Client:Pharmaceutical factory «Zdorovje»
Terms of completion:2005-2006
Construction of liqueur and vodka plant LLC «Kharkovskij Likerovodochnij Zavod», Kharkovskij region, Malinovka
Client:LLC «Kharkovskij Likerovodochnij Zavod»
Terms of completion:2003-2005
Construction of the plant, producing metallic packing CJSC «KGS&Co», Kharkovskij region, Malinovka
Client:CJSC «KGS & Co»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Reconstruction of malting plant, Chernigov
Client:LLC «Malturop-Ukraine»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Construction of malting plant, Kharkov
Client:LLC «Malturop-Ukraine»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Reconstruction and building of refining , development and margarine production of CJSC «Saprorzhskij maslozhirokombinat», Zaporozhie
Client:CJSC «Saprorzhskij maslozhirokombinat»
Terms of completion:2003-2004
Construction of magnetic-flotation magnetite concentrate complex of Inguletskij GOK
Client:LLC «Everton», JSC «Ingyletskij GOK»
Terms of completion:2002-2003
Re-equipment of existing production facilities into polygraph section; construction of 4-storey administration building of LLC RPE «FACTOR», Kharkov
Terms of completion:2001-2004
Major repairs of blast furnaces №6, №9 of «Krivorozhsral», Krivoj Rog
Terms of completion:2001-2003
Second phase of a construction project of dressing unit and major repairs of dressing factory JSC «Severnij GOK»
Client:JSC «Severnij GOK»
Terms of completion:2000-2001